Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Bonk Day!

Today was really hard. Everly is teething, which messes with her stomach, her naps, and her cheery personality. After trying off and on to get her down for her morning nap for two and a half hours I finally gave up and cried right along with her. Why was this such a big deal you ask? Well, if she doesn't get a good morning nap then that throws everything else off for the rest of the day. On a normal day it wouldn't really matter too much because we are usually just kicking it at home, but today we had big plans. Earlier this year a book that I co-wrote with a colleague was published and as a result we were being honored today, along with some of our other colleagues, at a small banquet. Instead of leaving Everly with the sitter for a few hours, I made arrangements for her to hang out with two of my friends at work while I attended the event this afternoon. By 11:00 it was clear that a nap wasn't going to happen so I gave her a bottle and then loaded her up in the car for the commute in to work. The goods news is that she slept in the car for about half of the ride...the bad news is that her nap in the car wasn't long enough so she melted in a big way shortly after we arrived at the office...and so did I.

Thank the Lord for amazing friends...Heather, Kristine, Christine, Andi, Terri, & Janelle...I don't know what I would have done without you today...thank you! Not only did my wonderful friends take care of my precious little dolly while I was away, they also reminded me that days like today will pass. Sometimes it is just nice to have someone give you a hug and let you cry.

Do you want to know what else I did to make myself feel better today? I ate. I pulled into McDonalds and ordered a LARGE fry and a cheeseburger and I ate every single bite. I am not so sure this was the best idea since my jeans finally fit again (Holla! Yep, that's more rubber band around the button!), but exercise didn't sound nearly as appealing when I was in the thick of it today. At least I passed on the dessert at the awards banquet because I could have very easily eaten a whole cake. Thank goodness for bonus points with WW.

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