Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Where Did My Baby Go?

Over the last few weeks Everly has started transforming from a baby into a toddler. I look at her every single day and wonder what happened to that little baby who was totally and 100% dependent upon Danny and I for everything just a few short months ago? Miss Everly is blossoming into a little lady right before our very eyes. She can crawl now at lightning speeds, cruise around the room holding on to the wall, couch, or any other stable object at a full sprint, and she has a special knack for finding the one thing in the room that I don't want her to touch. She also understands simple commands and is trying her best to talk. She uses Ma-Ma and Na-Ma (Bama) consistently in context, while Da-Da has multiple meanings. If you ask her where "Chick-Chick" is she will stop what she is doing and start searching for him (Chick-Chick is her favorite stuffed animal. She is holding him in the picture below.).

Her personality is also in full swing. She is proving to be quite the cracker jack. She dances on command, laughs hysterically at her own farts, claps when she is proud of herself, whistles when she is really busy, and squeals with delight when you play chase or peek-a-boo with her. Her sweet giggle is contagious and her mischievous and stubborn ways are certainly going to keep us on our toes for years to come (of course I wouldn't want or expect anything else from our kid because, after all, look who made her!).

She is still eating everything in sight and is slowly moving past the puree food stage into finger foods. Her absolute favorite foods are pancakes, carrots, Puffs, and bananas. So far we haven't discovered any food allergies yet (fingers crossed), which is a huge concern for both Danny and I since he is allergic to everything.

Another milestone that Everly recently achieved was learning to drink out of a straw. We have been working on this for a few months and the other morning at breakfast I caught her watching me carefully as I drank my Diet Coke from a straw. I decided to order a water for her and let her try it. She instantly grabbed the cup and started drinking out the straw. All of a sudden it just clicked for her! It is fascinating how quickly she absorbs new information and skills.

Sometimes I stop and try to remember what life was like before Everly and I honestly can't remember much. I feel like she has been with us forever, yet time feels like it is passing at record speed. I am in the beginning stages of planning her first birthday party and it is mind-boggling that she will be turning a year old in 6 weeks! It really is true what everyone says about how fast it all goes by. Everly has taught me so much in the last year. My heart swells with gratitude, love, and pride for this amazing little person who has taught me what it truly means to live and love!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

She Whistles While She Works!

I know it has way been too long since I posted an update on the blog, but we have been busy bees this summer. I am enjoying some time off of work and trying to soak up every second of my freedom before the fall semester begins. Everly is growing like a weed and her personality is blossoming as well. She is such a little cracker jack (is anyone really surprised...look who her parents are after all !).

One of her latest (and funniest) new tricks is whistling. She thinks this is hilarious (so do we of course!). Seriously, though?!!? I have never heard a baby whistle before, so naturally, Danny and I were perplexed when we realized what she was doing. We have been trying our best to capture her whistling in action over the past couple of weeks, but every time she notices that we have the camera she stops.

We managed to take the video clip below before she noticed that the camera was filming her special new talent (she even turned toward the wall so we couldn't see her face). The video doesn't truly showcase her true whistling talent, but the end of the video is priceless because she knows that she is being a rascal and she lets out the best laugh ever! Man, I love this baby so much! It just keeps getting better. :)