Sunday, December 16, 2012

Goo-Goo Gaa-Gaa

Everly turned 15 months old this week and she has turned into quite the little parakeet. My pediatrician warned us to watch our language around her because she can understand and will repeat (even if she doesn't understand) everything we say. Her favorite words right now are:
  • "ta-da" = Christmas tree (every time we plug it in or if she sees a tree in a store she exclaims "ta-da" and throws her hands in the air) 
  • "pa-poo" = poo-poo (she loves to go outside with Bama when it is time for her to do her business and shout "pa-poo, pa-poo, pa-poo" the entire time we are out there)
  • "down" (she uses this word when she wants to be picked up and put down),
  • "more" (she also knows sign language for "more" and when she is really hungry it is hilarious to watch her repeat "more, more, more" over and over and frantically use the sign as if we have been starving her for days)

Here's a quick video clip of Everly "performing" some of her new words:

My goal this week is to clean up my own language. Danny is convinced that Everly's first phrase is going to be "Dammit Bama" if we don't watch it. Ha!