Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Bonk Day!

Today was really hard. Everly is teething, which messes with her stomach, her naps, and her cheery personality. After trying off and on to get her down for her morning nap for two and a half hours I finally gave up and cried right along with her. Why was this such a big deal you ask? Well, if she doesn't get a good morning nap then that throws everything else off for the rest of the day. On a normal day it wouldn't really matter too much because we are usually just kicking it at home, but today we had big plans. Earlier this year a book that I co-wrote with a colleague was published and as a result we were being honored today, along with some of our other colleagues, at a small banquet. Instead of leaving Everly with the sitter for a few hours, I made arrangements for her to hang out with two of my friends at work while I attended the event this afternoon. By 11:00 it was clear that a nap wasn't going to happen so I gave her a bottle and then loaded her up in the car for the commute in to work. The goods news is that she slept in the car for about half of the ride...the bad news is that her nap in the car wasn't long enough so she melted in a big way shortly after we arrived at the office...and so did I.

Thank the Lord for amazing friends...Heather, Kristine, Christine, Andi, Terri, & Janelle...I don't know what I would have done without you today...thank you! Not only did my wonderful friends take care of my precious little dolly while I was away, they also reminded me that days like today will pass. Sometimes it is just nice to have someone give you a hug and let you cry.

Do you want to know what else I did to make myself feel better today? I ate. I pulled into McDonalds and ordered a LARGE fry and a cheeseburger and I ate every single bite. I am not so sure this was the best idea since my jeans finally fit again (Holla! Yep, that's more rubber band around the button!), but exercise didn't sound nearly as appealing when I was in the thick of it today. At least I passed on the dessert at the awards banquet because I could have very easily eaten a whole cake. Thank goodness for bonus points with WW.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Saturday Morning Snuggles

This morning was absolutely perfect. After an early morning walk to our favorite neighborhood bakery I enjoyed a delicious breakfast in bed with my two favorite people in the whole world.

On the menu:
Blueberry Scones, Ham & Cheese Croissants, and Caramel Latte/Diet Coke for the adults &
7 ounces of Enfamil for "Wadoo".

After breakfast we hung out and snuggled all morning!

Seriously, can it get any better???

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Best Valentine's Day Ever!

As I was driving to work this morning I thought to myself, "I am such a lucky girl." I have the sweetest, most adorable little girl who makes my heart melt every time I look at her! Before I left the house this morning she was still asleep. As I stood over her crib watching her sleep, I saw Danny standing in the door of her room watching me and then I heard him whisper quietly, "You can wake her up if you want." Well that was all I needed to hear...I jumped at the opportunity to get a few minutes of snuggle time with her before heading out for work. The smile on her face and the way she nuzzles up to us in the morning is priceless!

My hubby is not too shabby either. As a matter of fact, I often wonder what in the world I did to deserve someone as kind, loving, and thoughtful as him. Not only is he the most amazing father and role model for Everly, he also treats me like a queen. Somehow in the midst of all the chaos in our lives he managed to sneak off and get roses, balloons, and a card so that I would have something special from him on Valentine's Day before I left for work this morning. What a sweetheart! We even managed to catch the "early bird" seating for dinner after work at our favorite little BBQ restaurant before Everly's bed time. No, this dinner didn't include romantic candlelight or rose included something WAY better...the little person that we made together who has the very best of both of us. I couldn't help but laugh when I looked over at her sitting in between us smiling and cooing as we made a toast to all the love and happiness in our lives.

Having a baby is hard on any relationship and I am so proud of the progress that Danny and I have made with redefining ours over the past couple of months. I know that it will always take constant work over the years, but anything that is good and worth having always does! My goal is to always be a role model for Everly so that she will not accept anything less than the love and respect that she has witnessed between us when she is old enough to start building meaningful relationships.

Check out the pic of the sweetest, most adorable Valentine EVER! Isn't the look on her face hilarious? I can only imagine what she is thinking! And yes, those are leg warmers that she is wearing.

Goodbye Woombie...It's Been Real!

I am SO sad to report that we have officially retired the Woombie! For those of you who do not remember I am willing to testify right here and now that the Woombie saved our lives and our sanity about 3.5 months ago because it was the only thing that helped Everly sleep.

Finding the Woombie was seriously like discovering gold since Everly was a little Houdini when it came to the traditional swaddle technique. Since it zipped up like a little potato sack, it was impossible for her to get her arms free. This meant that she was able to sleep for longer stretches of time because it prevented her startle reflex from waking her while she was sleeping.

We decided to start weaning her off of the Woombie this weekend because she has learned how to roll over now. Since rolling over is her new favorite trick, I was terrified that she was going to roll over in her sleep and not be able to support her head because her arms were restricted. Of course as soon as we took her out of the Woombie she rolled over and started sleeping on her stomach. No matter how many times we go in and roll her over on her back she immediately flips back to her tummy. The doctor told us this week that since she is strong enough to roll back and forth we just have to let her choose which sleep position is most comfortable for her. Even though I know there is nothing that we can do to prevent her from rolling onto her tummy I am having a hard time sleeping lately because I am constantly waking up to make sure she is ok.

I guess I should look on the bright side though...I no longer have to worry about finding someone to make an adult sized Woombie. I was convinced there for a while that she was going to still be sleeping in that Woombie when we took her to college.

Goodbye was fun while it lasted! ;)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Look Who Got Her First Tooth!!!

After a month of drooling and gnawing on everything in sight, Everly's first tooth finally broke through this weekend. I tried to snap a picture of it but since she is not ready to show off her pearly whites just yet it was a bit of a struggle. You can just barely see the tip of the tooth breaking through on the bottom. Poor baby was not very happy when I snapped the photo below but it was the best I could get today. I will definitely be snapping more photos this week.

She has taken on the task of teething like a champ. She has managed to get through this first milestone with very little fussing. I hope this trend continues because I cannot stand to see her in pain.

Dear Miss Everly...

Dear Miss Everly,

Where has the time gone? It seems like just yesterday I was cradling a tiny little newborn in my arms who was barely awake long enough to eat and here we are just a short 4 ½ months later and I find myself holding on tight to a squirmy and strong infant who is more than ready to find her way in this great big world. In the past few weeks you have really started to awaken to the world. You have figured out how to roll over, you can hold yourself up with your arms when you are on your tummy, and you can scoot all over your bed and play mat without any assistance.

You are simply fascinated with your hands and feet. As a matter of fact you recently discovered your thumbs and you love to stick both of them in your mouth at the same time. Your Daddy and I call it “your trumpet” because you look like you are playing a trumpet when you stick your other fingers up in the air and suck on your thumbs.

You also love to study your Daddy and I, and you are intrigued when we eat or drink anything. You still love music and your interest in books continues to grow. We read at least two books every night before bed and right now your favorites are “Chicka Chicka Boom Boom” and “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you See?” You have also decided that baths aren’t so bad after all and you are pretty much sleeping through the night (with a few early morning wake ups here and there).

You are also quite the talker. You love to make the "guh" and "zzz" sounds and you wake up every morning talking to the animals on your mobile above your bed. Your daddy and I lie in bed and laugh every morning because you are so animated and loud. I know you will have lots to say when you learn actual words.

My, oh my, how quickly you have grown sweet Everly. I watch you every single day and I am in awe of just how spectacular you really are little lady. I continue to see so much of myself in you and I am not just talking about your physical appearance either. To be so young you already have such a strong sense of who you are and what you want. The nurses at the hospital were spot on when they nicknamed you the “CEO of the nursery”. I can only hope that your strong will and confidence will continue to grow as you face obstacles and challenges in this life. I pray that you will always persevere and stand up for what you believe in, even if it does not always fall in line with what everyone else is doing. Please know that you can always count on your Daddy and I to be standing right behind you and cheering you on! We will always have your back!

Everly, you have a smile that can light up any room and your eyes have a sparkle in them that scream rascal. I want you to know that I am enjoying every second of this journey with you and I thank God every night for blessing our family with you. Keep growing and thriving baby girl…you make every day a new adventure.

I love you to the moon and back!



We're Back!

We’re Back! I cannot believe it has been over 6 weeks since my last blog. So much has happened I don’t even know where to begin. Let’s start with a short recap of the past month and then I can provide details and photos for each event. In the last month we have moved to a new place, successfully conquered our first family cross country trip, introduced Everly to all of her Southern peeps, baptized Everly in a beautiful ceremony at the church I grew up in, celebrated our first Christmas, spent a few nights away from Everly while my mom babysat, started back to work, and left Everly with her sitter for the first time. Phew! That is just the highlight reel and I am already exhausted.

The Big Move!!!
Let’s start with the move. Even though we loved our quaint little apartment it didn’t take us long to outgrow it. As I have said before, babies come with a lot of “stuff” and after only a few short months in our place with Everly we knew it was time for us to find a bigger place. However, we were deterred from moving because we absolutely LOVE our neighborhood. More specifically, we love our street. There is just something about it that is magical. You can ask Danny, the minute we pulled up on this street two years ago looking for a place to live, I just knew that we were destined to live here. The sidewalks, the unique architecture, the street lamps, and the giant trees create an ambience that almost makes you forget that you are living in a large metropolitan city. Plus, it is safe in our neighborhood. I can get out and walk everywhere with Everly and Bama and I always feel comfortable, even at night. So after much moaning and whining about having to leave our perfect little street, as luck would have it, one of the townhouses directly across the street from us came available for rent just as our lease was expiring. I didn’t even need to look at it because I knew in my heart that we were going to take it. I am happy to report though that our new place is a million times better than our old place because it is HUGE! We also have a washer and dryer, which is pretty much essential when you have a new baby (who knew babies were so messy??? Not ME!) and our kitchen actually has counter space and normal appliances. In case you didn’t know our last place had a fridge that was a step up from a mini-fridge and a 1930’s stove that you had to light with a match. I can’t even tell you how many times Danny almost lost his eyebrows when lighting the stove but that is a story for another day. Most importantly Everly has her very own room in our new place (we turned the dining room into the nursery in the last place) and both bedrooms are upstairs so we can actually put Everly to sleep at night and have some time together without worrying that we will wake her up if we turn on the TV. The only negative thing about the move was that poor Danny had to do everything without my assistance because it was nearly impossible to help when Everly was awake. As a result, the move took us about 6 days because he literally packed up each room in stages using a few Rubbermaid tubs. He would bring the tubs over to the new place, I would unpack the stuff, and he would then go back across the street and pack up more stuff. I promised him that the next time we moved we would hire movers to do EVERYTHING. And in true Danny fashion, he didn’t complain at all. He moved everything and managed to keep a positive attitude the entire time. The best part about the move was that we finished moving 90% of our things before our trip to Alabama for the holidays. It was nice to be able to leave and know that we didn’t have to come back and move a ton of stuff.

Travel Day!!!
A week after the move we packed up and headed across the country to visit our family in Alabama. I can’t even begin to describe the anxiety that I had about traveling on a four hour flight with an infant AND a dog. I seriously started worrying about this trip before Everly was even born. Most people who know me well will tell you I am not the best traveler in the world anyway. I am not scared of flying, I am just not a fan of doing anything where I don’t feel like I am in control. And let’s face it folks, flying these days is a major pain in the “you know what”. When you consider all the baggage restrictions and fees (I am a horrible packer by the way…I always bring WAY too much and my bags are always borderline overweight), the grouchy TSA agents, the amount of time you have to spend at the airport before you even board the plane, and all the rude and oblivious people that always seem to end up on my flights that’s enough to make anyone run for the hills. Toss in a high strung Jack Russell Terrier, a 3 month old baby, and two sleep deprived parents and what you have is a recipe for disaster my friends. Weeks before the flight I started mentally preparing myself for this day. I told myself over and over that no matter what happened Danny and I had to remain calm because both Everly and Bama would pick up on our bad joo-joo and then they would go bezerk too. I also started a checklist for the trip about a week before we left because I was determined that I would not wait until the last minute to start packing. Unfortunately, we were in the thick of moving the week before we left so it was extremely challenging to get organized, but I somehow managed to pack two VERY large pink suitcases, one carry on suitcase, and a diaper bag a day before we were scheduled to leave. I think all of the stuff we had to bring was the biggest shocker of all. Danny has always been a light packer so he didn’t take up much room in the suitcases, but I really had to cut back on the number of shoes and clothes in my suitcase so I could make room for all of Everly’s clothes, bottles, formula, diapers, shoes, and toys. In addition to the 3 suitcases, the diaper bag, and Bama’s travel bag we also had to bring the stroller, the car seat, the car seat adapter, and the Baby Bjorn.

When travel day actually arrived everything started off smoothly. Our car arrived on time to pick us up for the airport, we got our luggage checked without any major hiccups (or overage fees), and everyone was in good spirits as we approached the security checkpoint. Even though they had a lane designated for people with small children and those needing special assistance we were still a hot mess trying to get all of our contraptions through the x-ray machine. I am exhausted just thinking about it. After we unpacked our i-pads, took our shoes and jackets off, put all of our bags on the belt, got Everly out of the stroller, and disassembled her stroller and car seat, then it was time to get Bama out of her bag and carry her through security. My favorite reaction from all the people we encountered on both legs of our trip had to have been from the lady who was in the security line behind us at LAX. After several huffs and puffs while we unloaded all of our goods, I thought her head was going to spin around and explode when she saw me get Bama out of the travel bag. She exclaimed with disgust, “Oh my God…you have a dog too!!!” From her nasty attitude I quickly concluded that she probably didn’t have children, dogs, or very many friends so I turned around slowly, flashed my pearly whites at her, and in my calmest and sweetest voice I said, “Yes, can you believe it? Thanks so much for your patience…we are doing the best we can here. Happy Holidays!” Danny swears that some time between this encounter and the time I walked through the security line I developed what we like to call “Center of the Universe” syndrome because I turned into one of those oblivious travelers who was holding up the line as we were trying to gather all of our belongings. In my defense though I was a little stressed out after my encounter with “bitter party of one” who was behind us in line, Bama had also managed to wrap her leash around my legs and had started to whine in a high pitch tone, I discovered that Everly had a blow out at some point between check in and security and was covered in poop, and the sheer amount of stuff we had to gather basically confused and overwhelmed me. In other words we were a s@i# show, pure and simple. We had turned into my worst nightmare…we were now “those people” who used to annoy me to death before we had kids. Suddenly I had a new found respect for all of those people I had rolled my eyes at as they went through security or silently prayed would not be sitting anywhere around me on the plane. Today was our day to join the club…today we would be the subject of dirty looks and prayers…today we would be someone else’s “Karma”. ☺

Luckily, I didn’t have to pass out ear plugs or buy a round of drinks for anyone around us. Everly was a dream on the flight to Atlanta. She didn’t cry, squirm, or fuss. She napped, drank her bottle, and handed out smiles to everyone she saw. Bama even slept the whole way and did not make a peep.

The flight home was not as uneventful but we survived. I thought we had a ton of stuff when we left LA, but I didn’t think ahead and plan for how we would transport all the gifts back home that Everly would get on her first Christmas. When all else fails giant Rubber Maid tubs with red duct tape make a great make shift suitcase when you run out of room! And note to self (and anyone else out there with a newborn): Do NOT take a red eye with a child. I thought it made sense when I booked the flight because I thought she would sleep the entire time. WRONG! She had a horrible time getting settled because they kept turning the lights on and off and it was hard to hold her because we were crammed in the middle and aisle seats like sardines in Coach (Has anyone else noticed that the seats keep getting smaller and smaller? I swear before too long they are going to make us stand the entire flight) . She also had a hard time with her ears when we were landing in LA so she screamed bloody murder for about 5 minutes until they popped. I am sure everyone in the vicinity of Row 14 made a deposit in their Karma banks when they landed so that they wouldn’t ever have to experience a show like that again at 35,000 feet.
And trust me when I say that when we finally rolled into our house at 2:30 a.m. with 3 suitcases, 2 giant Rubbermaid tubs, a diaper bag, stroller, car seat, Everly, and Bama we were glad that it was over too.

Sweet Home Alabama
The trip to Alabama was awesome in so many ways. First, Everly got to spend some much needed quality time with my family. It melted my heart to watch my dad give her a bottle every morning and I couldn’t help but smile every time I saw my mom cuddling with her. I don’t know if I have ever seen two happier or prouder people in all of my life. I really think that both of them had given up on having a grandchild so now that they finally have Everly I don’t think they know what to do with themselves. Since I am incredibly close to my aunts, uncles, and cousins, it was also important for us that Everly got to spend time with her extended family as well. It was so nice to see the joy and happiness on everyone’s faces when Everly was around. She truly is our “angel baby”.

In addition to spending quality time with our family, Danny and I also managed to find some time to reconnect with one another as a couple. We went out with friends a few times, spent New Year’s Eve together cuddling on the couch and watching movies (and went to bed before midnight so we could get a full 8 hours of sleep – can I get an “Amen”???) and even snuck in a two day trip to New Orleans for the National Championship game (can I get a Roll Tide???). I am not going to say that it was easy to leave Miss Everly, but it was so important for our relationship to remember what it was like to be a couple again. Plus, it gave my mom, Aunt Mary, & Claire time to spoil and bond with Everly without Danny or I there to distract her. ☺

We also celebrated Everly’s first Christmas while we were in Alabama. Of course she had no idea what was going on but it sure was fun for us. We tried not to go overboard on the gifts but as you can see from the photo below, she did pretty well.

I wish I had taken a picture of all of the other gifts she got from my family. There was so much stuff that we had to ship two giant Rubbermaid tubs back on the plane with us when we left. I seriously forgot how much fun it was to have a small child in the family during Christmas. We started our first family tradition this year by attending mass together on Christmas Eve. Everly wore a stunning red dress and a fabulous hat and I even convinced Danny to wear his monkey suit.

I have such wonderful memories of Christmas from my childhood and I want to do everything I can to make sure Evelry feels that same magic during this wonderful holiday season. I have visions of baking cookies together, reading Christmas stories, attending Christmas programs, taking her for a yearly Santa picture, partaking in “Elf on the Shelf” shenanigans, opening daily surprises as we countdown on the Advent calendar, and going to mass together as a family on Christmas Eve.

Everly’s Baptism
Everly’s baptism was also one of the highlights of our trip to Alabama. She was baptized on December 18th in the baptismal font built by my Uncle Jimmy at the church I grew up attending as a child. It was such a special day that I will always treasure and I am so happy that we were able to be surrounded by our friends and family on this joyous day. In true Everly fashion she was a little angel. She made it through the entire service without crying or fussing one time. I joked with my cousins (Everly’s godparents), Trent & Tracy, that she was being reverend during mass because she sat back and folded her little hands like she was praying the entire time. I was fully prepared for her to lose it when the priest poured the water over her head, but instead her strong spirit radiated peace, strength, and joy. I swear I could feel the warmth of my Uncle Jimmy’s presence as he watched over us from Heaven and smiled down on all of us on this spectacular day. Everly looked like a little angel sent straight from heaven in the baptismal gown that was handmade for her by my Aunt Mary. I am so proud to have this dress that will be passed down as a family heirloom for generations to come. I remember thinking as we were standing on the altar after her baptism, surrounded by our family, that all was right with the universe at that very moment. I seriously could not be any prouder of my little family and how far we have come. ☺