Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Best Valentine's Day Ever!

As I was driving to work this morning I thought to myself, "I am such a lucky girl." I have the sweetest, most adorable little girl who makes my heart melt every time I look at her! Before I left the house this morning she was still asleep. As I stood over her crib watching her sleep, I saw Danny standing in the door of her room watching me and then I heard him whisper quietly, "You can wake her up if you want." Well that was all I needed to hear...I jumped at the opportunity to get a few minutes of snuggle time with her before heading out for work. The smile on her face and the way she nuzzles up to us in the morning is priceless!

My hubby is not too shabby either. As a matter of fact, I often wonder what in the world I did to deserve someone as kind, loving, and thoughtful as him. Not only is he the most amazing father and role model for Everly, he also treats me like a queen. Somehow in the midst of all the chaos in our lives he managed to sneak off and get roses, balloons, and a card so that I would have something special from him on Valentine's Day before I left for work this morning. What a sweetheart! We even managed to catch the "early bird" seating for dinner after work at our favorite little BBQ restaurant before Everly's bed time. No, this dinner didn't include romantic candlelight or rose petals...it included something WAY better...the little person that we made together who has the very best of both of us. I couldn't help but laugh when I looked over at her sitting in between us smiling and cooing as we made a toast to all the love and happiness in our lives.

Having a baby is hard on any relationship and I am so proud of the progress that Danny and I have made with redefining ours over the past couple of months. I know that it will always take constant work over the years, but anything that is good and worth having always does! My goal is to always be a role model for Everly so that she will not accept anything less than the love and respect that she has witnessed between us when she is old enough to start building meaningful relationships.

Check out the pic of the sweetest, most adorable Valentine EVER! Isn't the look on her face hilarious? I can only imagine what she is thinking! And yes, those are leg warmers that she is wearing.

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