Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Goodbye Woombie...It's Been Real!

I am SO sad to report that we have officially retired the Woombie! For those of you who do not remember I am willing to testify right here and now that the Woombie saved our lives and our sanity about 3.5 months ago because it was the only thing that helped Everly sleep.

Finding the Woombie was seriously like discovering gold since Everly was a little Houdini when it came to the traditional swaddle technique. Since it zipped up like a little potato sack, it was impossible for her to get her arms free. This meant that she was able to sleep for longer stretches of time because it prevented her startle reflex from waking her while she was sleeping.

We decided to start weaning her off of the Woombie this weekend because she has learned how to roll over now. Since rolling over is her new favorite trick, I was terrified that she was going to roll over in her sleep and not be able to support her head because her arms were restricted. Of course as soon as we took her out of the Woombie she rolled over and started sleeping on her stomach. No matter how many times we go in and roll her over on her back she immediately flips back to her tummy. The doctor told us this week that since she is strong enough to roll back and forth we just have to let her choose which sleep position is most comfortable for her. Even though I know there is nothing that we can do to prevent her from rolling onto her tummy I am having a hard time sleeping lately because I am constantly waking up to make sure she is ok.

I guess I should look on the bright side though...I no longer have to worry about finding someone to make an adult sized Woombie. I was convinced there for a while that she was going to still be sleeping in that Woombie when we took her to college.

Goodbye Woombie...it was fun while it lasted! ;)

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