Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Party Girl!

Everly attended her first birthday party last weekend and we all had a blast! Dressing our little dolly for the party was probably my favorite part of the entire day. We received the most beautiful pink dress at one of my baby showers last year and this party was the perfect occasion for the dolly to get dressed up and show off her new duds. At first I was afraid that she would be uncomfortable in the dress but from the minute I put it on her she was so proud. The whole afternoon she kept grabbing the tulle and lifting the dress up and down (yes, we will work on this behavior when she gets a little older). She was also mesmerized by all of the sparkles. It was priceless to watch her run her fingers across the material and then look up at me and flash that million dollar smile. I couldn't help but have a flash forward to future dances, special events, and dare I even say it, her wedding day (gasp!). Based off of her reaction to this dress I am going to go ahead and predict that the dolly is going to share her mama's affection for trendy duds and shiny objects. I even told her, "Remember Dolly, when you look good, you feel good! ;)

Oh...and the party was also a ton of fun. It was definitely a true Hollywood experience. There was valet parking in front of the house, cocktails for the adults, tasty treats for the kiddos (little sandwiches in the shape of animals - so cute!), and live acoustic music covering the latest and greatest nursery rhymes and songs.

Check out the video clip of Everly jamming to Old MacDonald below. FYI: She doesn't look too excited in the video because she was well overdue for her nap, but nonetheless, I think she enjoyed it. :)

Even though her first birthday party is still 6 months away, I am already pinning ideas and themes on Pinterest. There are so many great ideas out there it looks like I am going to need the next six months to make a decision!!! One thing is for sure though...a fabulous party dress and an outrageous birthday hat are a MUST for this event (for both the dolly and her mama)! ;)

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