Friday, April 29, 2011

Snap, Crackle, Pop!

Happy Friday Peeps! I am so happy the weekend is finally here. We don't have anything out of the ordinary planned, just relaxing and spending quality time together. I keep reminding myself that we should try to get out and enjoy the last few months of a carefree lifestyle while we can because it won't be long until life as we know it is forever changed.

Since the weather is warming up here we are considering a trip to the beach tomorrow. I need some sun on this lily white skin, but I am a little reluctant to sport a bikini right now. I love my new pregnant belly because it is finally hard and not mushy. This change alone sort of makes me feel like I can flaunt my belly at the beach. Of course Danny thinks the sun is going to give the squirrel a sunburn through my belly. Geesh! Can we say "over protective"? :) I promise to wear plenty of sunscreen.

This week we also had some exciting developments in the pregnancy. I finally started to feel the little squirrel moving around in my belly. It started at church on Easter Sunday. The baby was definitely moving and grooving to the music. Later in the week it happened again after I ate Taco Bell. It was moving around so much that I swear the baby was having its own little fiesta party in my tummy. The funny part about the Taco Bell incident is that last week I thought I felt the baby move after eating Taco Bell (I can't help it...I am craving Mexican food all the time) but I wasn't sure if the popping feeling was gas or the baby. TMI? I know, I know, but you can never be too sure these days. After all the incidents this week I am positive that the snap, crackle, pop sensation in my stomach is all baby. I love this feeling. It is absolute validation that a little being is growing inside of me. You would think that my bulging stomach would be enough evidence, but for some reason feeling the baby move makes me feel more connected to this little angel. We have also determined that the baby either loves or hates Taco Bell because the firecrackers that went off in my belly both times were a sign that he/she has a definite opinion on the matter.

Next week is also going to be a big week for us because my mom is coming to visit from Alabama and we finally get to see another picture of the baby. We have our 20 week ultrasound on Wednesday and we will hopefully find out for sure if the squirrel is indeed a little girl. Even though the doctor said she was about 80% sure that it was a girl at our last appointment, we are still not 100% convinced. I have heard too many stories from people who were told it was a girl one month, only to learn it was a boy the next month. At the end of the day we really don't care if it is a boy or a girl. The biggest upside to knowing the gender is that we can actually start preparing the nest for the little squirrel's arrival. When you think about it, 20 weeks doesn't seem all that far away!

Here are a few pictures we snapped from Week 18 & Week 19. The baby is about the size of a mango this week.

Week 18
The baby's first Easter Sunday! Next year we will get to dye and hunt eggs, dress them up in a pimp Easter outfit, and fix Easter baskets. Danny better hope that the squirrel isn't anything like me when it comes to hunting eggs. My poor parents had to hide Easter Eggs year round when I was a kid.

Week 19
Comparing bellies with Krystle at work.
We are one week apart!

Have a fabulous weekend everyone! I will be sure to post again next week after our ultrasound.


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