Sunday, April 17, 2011

Holy Baby Registry!

Happy Sunday Friends & Family! I feel like it has been forever since my last update. Everything is going well here, but lately work has been crazy busy for both Danny and me. This weekend we finally managed to find some time to go and start our baby registry. Honestly, this was one of the most overwhelming tasks I have had to complete in a while. Who knew babies required so much "stuff" AND that there were so many options to choose from at the store??? We both shut down as soon as we hit the first aisle. I promise you there were at least 100 different types of pacifiers and bottles on one wall. Let's not forget the gadgets we had never even heard of like the warmer for baby wipes, an electric snot remover, bags that go in your bra to catch any breast milk that might leak out in between feedings (apparently that stuff is like liquid gold), and a monitor that attaches to the baby's diaper that will alert you if the baby stops breathing or moving for more than 20 seconds. Really??? People, we need to start inventing gadgets for the baby world because there is a ton of money to be made there.

Picking out car seats, bouncers, high chairs, and monitors was no small feat either. However, the most challenging task of the day was picking out a stroller. Despite the fact that there are a gazillion models to choose from we also encountered a snotty "product expert" who should count her lucky stars that I didn't Kung Fu karate chop her after she talked to us like we were morons. How in the hell are we supposed to know that you need an infant car seat and a special adapter to snap into some stroller models when the baby is an infant? Danny quickly created a distraction to get me away from her as soon as he noticed my neck turning pink. I tell ya'...these pregnancy hormones are nothing to mess with!

I seriously felt like we were shopping for the baby's first car. Of course it didn't take me long to fall in love with the Range Rover of strollers...the Bugaboo Cameleon. Isn't it fabulous? I am SOLD on this stroller even though I know it is completely ridiculous.

Side note: Now before you all scoff at me for putting this ridiculous item on my registry let me be clear that we do not expect anyone to buy this stroller. We only added it because we get a 10% discount on everything left on our list after the baby is born. Make no mistake about it though...unless I find something else that tickles my fancy between now and September then this stroller is coming home with us! I just love it!

We are truly enjoying every second that goes into preparing for this sweet baby's arrival. I still wake up every day and think to myself, "I can't believe I am pregnant!" As soon as I look in the mirror though I am quickly reminded that this is really happening. :)

Here are some pictures we took this week to document Week 17 in the pregnancy. According to my baby books the baby is the size of an onion this week!
Danny took a picture of an onion at the grocery store this weekend to put the size of the baby into perspective.

You can really see the bump forming now! Danny says that the squirrel is making itself known to the world this week!

A bird's eye view of my belly! I can barely see my feet! He He!

I can't even imagine what I am going to look like in 4 months!

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