Thursday, November 17, 2011

Dear Everly...

Dear Everly,
As we listened to your favorite lullabies tonight I danced with you in my arms and held you tight. I wanted to soak up every sweet second with you before bed because it feels like time is flying by so quickly. You are growing and developing into such an amazing little person right before my very eyes. I am in constant awe of your strong will, your sweet spirit, and your independence. You light up the room with your big dimples and your giant toothless grin. I melt every time you look at me.

As I sit here typing this letter I can actually hear your precious little coos in the next room as you lie in your bed and put yourself to sleep. Yes, Miss Everly Lily you are already confident and secure enough at 2 months old to soothe yourself to sleep in your very own bed. No rocking and singing for you! No 'mam! All you need is the quiet hum of your vacuum cleaner CD, the classical sounds of Beethoven, and the soft glow of your mobile in the background to help you settle into dreamland. When I peeked in on you a few minutes ago I had to snap this picture because I want to remember this moment forever.

I am so proud to be your Mommy, Everly. Always remember that the journey is most definitely the reward. Be sure to appreciate all of the wonderful blessings in your life, focus on the positive, and give more than you take. Sweet dreams, sunshine. I love you to the moon and back!


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