Monday, December 19, 2011

Adventures in LaLa Land

I haven't updated the blog for the past two weeks because life has been BANANAS since my last post. In addition to all of my fabulous adventures with Everly out on the town, we also moved to a bigger place & successfully prepared for (and conquered) our first cross country flight with the baby & the dog! Holla!

Let's start with a recap of our latest adventures in the big city. Everly attended her first movie (Hugo) last week and was completely mesmerized by the experience. Our favorite theater in town hosts "Mommy & Me" movies once a week and I must say it is a brilliant idea. When I first heard about it I thought that it might be a little difficult to watch a movie with a theater full of babies. Boy, was I wrong. It was actually enjoyable and quiet for the most part. There was even a changing station set up in the theater and a roped off red carpet area for stroller parking. Everly was an angel during the entire movie. She slept for the first 45 minutes, ate for the next 20, and sat in my lap and actually watched the movie for the rest of the time. She even turned around and gave me her famous giggle cough and wrinkled up her nose at one point during the movie. Even though I thought the movie was a stinker, I am pretty sure that Everly would give it two thumbs up! We will definitely be attending this event again in the near future.

Since finding time for "ME" is next to impossible these days, I decided to join a stroller workout club that meets 4 times a week. I figure if I am going to lose the last 12 pounds of this baby weight then I need to get my rear end in motion and burn some extra calories. I cannot even begin to explain how much I am enjoying these classes. At first I thought the classes would be easy and I would get more out of the camaraderie that comes along with hanging out with other moms who can relate to the insanity of parenthood, however, I was most definitely singing a different tune when I could barely get out of bed the morning after I attended the second class. Running and pushing a stroller, combined with intervals of circuit training is one heck of a workout. I also get a serious kick out of the people's reaction who happen to stroll by as we are working up a sweat while all of our sweet babies chill out in the stroller. My favorite comment to date was made by the young Hollywood hipster, with his spiky hair and his sunglasses down on his nose, who stopped dead in his tracks and asked, "What is this...the bad ass moms' club?" I wanted to reply, "you bet your ass it is" but unfortunately I was so out of breath I could hardly speak. I also get a kick out of Everly's reaction. She loves to ride in her stroller and she seems genuinely amused by my huffing and puffing. Looking at her sweet face actually gives me the motivation to push myself harder during each class. Something about the fact that she actually grew in my stomach has given me a new level of strength and the motivation to be the best that I can be.

On another note, have I mentioned lately how funny our little dumpling is these days? In the past few weeks her personality has really blossomed. She gets tickled when you talk to her and she is doing her very best to talk back. Her facial expressions are hilarious and she has even learned how to raise her eyebrows to change her expression. My absolute favorite reaction is when she giggles, flashes her double dimple toothless grin, and wrinkles her nose.

In addition to an adorable personality she also seems to be developing into a confident and independent little girl. I have noticed the past few weeks that she enjoys having time in her swing or bouncy chair to explore the world around her. Her hands are her latest fascination. She will sit and stare at her hands and practice moving her fingers and grabbing the closest item within reach. It seems that her latest and greatest accomplishment is removing and reinserting her own pacifier. She also seems to be favoring her left hand so maybe she will be a south paw like her mama.

Another precious thing that she has recently started doing involves waking and sleeping. She is regularly putting herself to sleep at night and at naps without any intervention from us. She has also stopped crying when she wakes up in the morning. Instead of waking to screaming and crying we now wake to her sweet little coos and giggles as she "talks" to the animals on her mobile above her bed (which is probably her most favorite "toy" these days). Danny & I love nothing more than to lie in our bed and snuggle up together and listen to the sweet sounds of our happy baby girl in the morning. It is also awesome to walk in on her and watch her reaction when she sees us in the morning. It melts my heart every time she smiles and recognizes me.

While it is true that Everly is happy the majority of the time, there are still a few things that really seem to tick her off. Tummy time and bath time seem to be her least favorite activities. I can understand why tummy time is not at the top her favorites list since she has spent limited time on her stomach, but her hatred of bath time still baffles me. I am seriously praying that she has a change of heart toward both of these activities because neither one can be eliminated from the daily routine. Wearing a helmet for a flat head and being the stinky kid are not options in my book.

We are truly loving every stage of Everly's growth & development and are constantly in awe of her presence and impact on our lives. I try to remind myself every day to be present for each stage of her life because I am starting to realize that they really do grow up fast! I can't believe 14 weeks have passed already!

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